if (($this->isIphone == $this->true) || ($this->isAndroidPhone == $this->true) || ($this->isTierIphone == $this->true) || ($this->DetectS60OssBrowser() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectSymbianOS() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectWindowsMobile() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectWindowsPhone7() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectBlackBerry() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectPalmWebOS() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectPalmOS() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectGarminNuvifone() == $this->true)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects whether the device is a Brew-powered device. function DetectBrewDevice() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceBrew) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects the Danger Hiptop device. function DetectDangerHiptop() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceDanger) > -1 || stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceHiptop) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is Opera Mobile or Mini. function DetectOperaMobile() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineOpera) > -1) { if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->mini) > -1) || (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mobi) > -1)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is Opera Mobile // running on an Android phone. function DetectOperaAndroidPhone() { if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineOpera) > -1) && (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceAndroid) > -1) && (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mobi) > -1)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is Opera Mobile // running on an Android tablet. function DetectOperaAndroidTablet() { if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineOpera) > -1) && (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceAndroid) > -1) && (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceTablet) > -1)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects whether the device supports WAP or WML. function DetectWapWml() { if (stripos($this->httpaccept, $this->vndwap) > -1 || stripos($this->httpaccept, $this->wml) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an Amazon Kindle (eInk devices only). // Note: For the Kindle Fire, use the normal Android methods. function DetectKindle() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceKindle) > -1 && $this->DetectAndroid() == $this->false) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current Amazon device is using the Silk Browser. // Note: Typically used by the the Kindle Fire. function DetectAmazonSilk() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineSilk) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // The quick way to detect for a mobile device. // Will probably detect most recent/current mid-tier Feature Phones // as well as smartphone-class devices. Excludes Apple iPads and other modern tablets. function DetectMobileQuick() { //Let's exclude tablets if ($this->isTierTablet == $this->true) return $this->false; //Most mobile browsing is done on smartphones if ($this->DetectSmartphone() == $this->true) return $this->true; if (($this->DetectWapWml() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectBrewDevice() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectOperaMobile() == $this->true)) return $this->true; if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineNetfront) > -1) || (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineUpBrowser) > -1) || (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineOpenWeb) > -1)) return $this->true; if (($this->DetectDangerHiptop() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectMidpCapable() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectMaemoTablet() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectArchos() == $this->true)) return $this->true; if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->devicePda) > -1) && !(stripos($this->useragent, $this->disUpdate) > -1)) return $this->true; if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mobile) > -1) return $this->true; //We also look for Kindle devices if ($this->DetectKindle() == $this->true || $this->DetectAmazonSilk() == $this->true) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is a Sony Playstation. function DetectSonyPlaystation() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->devicePlaystation) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is a Nintendo game device. function DetectNintendo() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceNintendo) > -1 || stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceWii) > -1 || stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceNintendoDs) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is a Microsoft Xbox. function DetectXbox() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceXbox) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an Internet-capable game console. function DetectGameConsole() { if ($this->DetectSonyPlaystation() == $this->true) return $this->true; else if ($this->DetectNintendo() == $this->true) return $this->true; else if ($this->DetectXbox() == $this->true) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device supports MIDP, a mobile Java technology. function DetectMidpCapable() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceMidp) > -1 || stripos($this->httpaccept, $this->deviceMidp) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is on one of the Maemo-based Nokia Internet Tablets. function DetectMaemoTablet() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->maemo) > -1) return $this->true; //For Nokia N810, must be Linux + Tablet, or else it could be something else. if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->linux) > -1) && (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceTablet) > -1) && ($this->DetectWebOSTablet() == $this->false) && ($this->DetectAndroid() == $this->false)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current device is an Archos media player/Internet tablet. function DetectArchos() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->deviceArchos) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // Detects if the current browser is a Sony Mylo device. function DetectSonyMylo() { if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuSony) > -1) { if ((stripos($this->useragent, $this->qtembedded) > -1) || (stripos($this->useragent, $this->mylocom2) > -1)) { return $this->true; } else return $this->false; } else return $this->false; } //************************** // The longer and more thorough way to detect for a mobile device. // Will probably detect most feature phones, // smartphone-class devices, Internet Tablets, // Internet-enabled game consoles, etc. // This ought to catch a lot of the more obscure and older devices, also -- // but no promises on thoroughness! function DetectMobileLong() { if ($this->DetectMobileQuick() == $this->true) return $this->true; if ($this->DetectGameConsole() == $this->true) return $this->true; if ($this->DetectSonyMylo() == $this->true) return $this->true; //Detect older phones from certain manufacturers and operators. if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->uplink) > -1) return $this->true; if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuSonyEricsson) > -1) return $this->true; if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuericsson) > -1) return $this->true; if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->manuSamsung1) > -1) return $this->true; if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->svcDocomo) > -1) return $this->true; if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->svcKddi) > -1) return $this->true; if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->svcVodafone) > -1) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //***************************** // For Mobile Web Site Design //***************************** //************************** // The quick way to detect for a tier of devices. // This method detects for the new generation of // HTML 5 capable, larger screen tablets. // Includes iPad, Android (e.g., Xoom), BB Playbook, WebOS, etc. function DetectTierTablet() { if (($this->DetectIpad() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectAndroidTablet() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectBlackBerryTablet() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectWebOSTablet() == $this->true)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // The quick way to detect for a tier of devices. // This method detects for devices which can // display iPhone-optimized web content. // Includes iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone 7, WebOS, etc. function DetectTierIphone() { if (($this->isIphone == $this->true) || ($this->isAndroidPhone == $this->true)) return $this->true; if (($this->DetectBlackBerryWebKit() == $this->true) && ($this->DetectBlackBerryTouch() == $this->true)) return $this->true; if ($this->DetectWindowsPhone7() == $this->true) return $this->true; if ($this->DetectPalmWebOS() == $this->true) return $this->true; if ($this->DetectGarminNuvifone() == $this->true) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //************************** // The quick way to detect for a tier of devices. // This method detects for devices which are likely to be capable // of viewing CSS content optimized for the iPhone, // but may not necessarily support JavaScript. // Excludes all iPhone Tier devices. function DetectTierRichCss() { if ($this->DetectMobileQuick() == $this->true) { //Exclude iPhone Tier and e-Ink Kindle devices if (($this->DetectTierIphone() == $this->true) || ($this->DetectKindle() == $this->true)) return $this->false; //The following devices are explicitly ok. if ($this->DetectWebkit() == $this->true) //Any WebKit return $this->true; if ($this->DetectS60OssBrowser() == $this->true) return $this->true; //Note: 'High' BlackBerry devices ONLY if ($this->DetectBlackBerryHigh() == $this->true) return $this->true; //Older Windows 'Mobile' isn't good enough for iPhone Tier. if ($this->DetectWindowsMobile() == $this->true) return $this->true; if (stripos($this->useragent, $this->engineTelecaQ) > -1) return $this->true; //default else return $this->false; } else return $this->false; } //************************** // The quick way to detect for a tier of devices. // This method detects for all other types of phones, // but excludes the iPhone and RichCSS Tier devices. function DetectTierOtherPhones() { //Exclude devices in the other 2 categories if (($this->DetectMobileLong() == $this->true) && ($this->DetectTierIphone() == $this->false) && ($this->DetectTierRichCss() == $this->false)) return $this->true; else return $this->false; } //Was informed by a MobileESP user that it's a best practice // to omit the closing ?> marks here. They can sometimes // cause errors with HTML headers. } $this->UTILS = new cs_utils(); $this->UTILS->_PATH = C_PATH.'/'.cs_utils; $this->UTILS->PATH = C_PATH.'/'.cs_utils; $this->UTILS->_DIR = C_DIR.'/'.cs_utils; $this->UTILS->DIR = C_DIR.'/'.cs_utils; ?> Pszczynska.pl – Pszczyński Dziennik Internetowy
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